English Drama

Ce mardi 26 mars, les élèves de 3A , 3D, 3G et 3F soit 104 élèves ont assisté au collège à la pièce de théâtre « Gossip and Crime », présentée par la compagnie « Pickles ».

Le projet a permis à 11 élèves de se préparer quelques semaines en amont pour mémoriser leur rôle et ainsi trouver leur place sur scène.

Bravo à eux !!

Le public a également été largement sollicité au cours de cette pièce interactive.

L’intégralité de la pièce était jouée en VO , par deux acteurs américains et un troisième acteur britannique.

Il semble que les trois jeunes acteurs et leur dynamisme aient remporté un franc succès auprès des élèves !

Des échanges (in English of course !) ont pu avoir lieu entre les acteurs et les élèves :

The audience review

« I liked the play, it was funny and they were really English ! My favourite character was William ! They were dynamic ! (…) » Awen

« I liked very much the play because it was funny. The actors were nice with us because they tried to help the nervous pupils. Not for me, I felt good during the play. I enjoy the idea of the audience taking part in the play, but I didn’t like the beginning and the end of the play because I don’t like dancing. And my favourite actor was Luke (William). » Marceau

« (…) That was such a good experience to listen to a play in English. In my opinion, it was very good but I know a lot of people didn’t understand what they were saying ( …) you need to understand it to enjoy it. It’s a good idea to organise this again for next year. » Fanch

« My favourite moment was at the beginning because I saw the good relationship between Lauren and Nicky, and I loved the moment when Lauren talks about her crush on William. » Mélodie

« I likes the moments with the music because it was great. (…) My favourite actress was Lauren/Diana and Mr Robin because this girl is very dynamic and happy. » Julie

« I liked the men actors but I didn’t like the two actresses because it was much exagerated. » Nolhan

Yesterday’s play was funny. The actors were really nice, especially Rachel… at the beginning I was very nervous. When we sat in our seats, and the audience came in, my heart was beating really fast. In my head, I was like"no, I can’t do this" and finally I did it ! and after I was proud of me. I prefered talking with the people who speak English, it was a wonderful experience… it was chill and entertaining. The company reassured us. It was a great moment ! Emma
